full text articles
The Wootton Report: The Decriminalisation of Cannabis
in Britain
by Stephen Abrams
by Stephen Abrams
KAVA use in Arnhem Land, the challenge for policy
by Peter d’Abbs
The politics of harm reduction in France
by Patrick Aeberhard
Marinol vs. Marijuana: Politics,
Science, and Popular Culture
by Kambiz Akhavan
Savings in California Marijuana Law
Enforcement Costs Attributable to the Moscone Act of 1976?
By Aldrich, & Mikurya
The psychiatric aspects of marihuana intoxication
by Allentuck & Bowman.
by Bruce K. Alexander
The RAW Approach
by Abd Al-Rahman
Free market
reform and drug market prohibition:
US policies at cross-purposes in Latin America
by Peter Andreas
Four Southern European Countries
fifteen years later
Miguel de Andr�s
Three objectives for Europe at the
European Commission
by Francesco de Angelis
Drug-related sites on the World Wide Web
by Marianne Apostolides
Measuring How
People Control
the Amounts
of Substances
They Use
by Robert Apsler
Anabolic steroid use: prevention and
by Frank Ardito, Paul Goldstein, Michael Bahrke and Thomas Sattler
International League Against Prohibition
by Giancarlo Arnao
The Semantics of Prohibition
by Giancarlo Arnao
Anti-prohibition: what does it really mean?
by Giancarlo Arnao
Drug policy and TC ideology: an Italian
by Giancarlo Arnao
Extra-judicial repression of drug users in
by Giancarlo Arnao
The World Ministerial Drug Summit
by Mike Ashton
NGO Concerns and Proposals
by Andy Atkins
Cannabis, the Law and Social Impacts in Australia
by Lynn Atkinson & David McDonald
Does feminism drive women to drink?
Conflicting themes
by Marguerite Babcock
International conference on abuse and
traficking of anabolic steroids
by Michael S. Bahrke
Chameleons out of control
by Steve Baldwin
Entheogenic Spirituality as a Human Right
by Martin W. Ball
When science meets politics
the Australian heroin trial feasibility study
by Gabriele Bammer
Everyday Harm Reduction
by Cas Barendrecht
Risky Business
the relationship between
prostitution, injecting drug use and HIVrelated risk behaviour among a sample of Glasgow
streetworking prostitutes
by Marina Barnard
The Netherlands‚
Drug Policy: 20 Years
of Experience
by Herbert P. Barnard
A brief critical look at cannabis psychosis
by Amit Basu
Informers & the Police
drug dealers as informers
by Philip Bean
Correlates of Conformity
in the Consumption of Illicit Drugs and Alcohol
by William Bearden, Randall Rose & Jesse Teel
A Theory of Rational Addiction
by Gary S. Becker & Kevin M Murphy
Rational Addiction and the Effect of Price on Consumption
by Gary S. Becker
The drugs policy dilemma
by Alan Beith
Ibiza Uncovered:
Drug and sexual related behaviour amongst young people on holiday
by Mark Bellis
Drug Policy and the Intellectuals
by William Bennett
Prevention of addiction for young people at Technoparties
by Berne Cantonal Public Health and Social Services Department
New players and new strategies
by Marie-Andre� Bertrand
Habits of a
The United States and the Future of the Global Drug Prohibition Regime
by David Bewley-Taylor
Price and alternatives: suggestions for
drug policy from psychology
by Warren K. Bickel and R.J. DeGrandpre
Cocaine: widespread but not harmless
by Bert Bieleman
Educating and training GPs in the
management and treatment of drug users
by Michael Blank & William Nelles
The United Nations General Assembly Special
Session on Drugs:
New Words, Old Actions?
by Ken Bluestone
Message on the War on Drugs
This letter was written by Associate Professor of Law Jeffrey M. Blum of the University of
Buffalo School of Law, in response to a request from a federal court judge, and is a good
summary of many of the things that are wrong with the „war on drugs.“ Any
responses may be sent to his account.
Youth Violence, Guns, and the Illicit-Drug Industry
by Alfred Blumstein
The ‚Safer Bars‘ Intervention for
reducing bar violence
by Christine Bois
Symbolic Criminal Law Without Limits
A commentary to the German Constitutional Court decision on Cannabis
by Lorenz B�llinger
German Drug Laws
Supra-national European Developments and the question of Constitutionality
by Lorenz B�llinger
German Drug Laws
De-Americanizing Drug Policy
by Lorenz B�llinger
Issues of Persons with AIDS
by Karen Bonuck & Ernest Drucker
Ways out of an ‚as if‘ policy
by Horst Bossong
Women and illicit drug use
by Susan Boyd
Petrol Sniffing among Aborigines: different social
by Maggie Brady
Drug use and personal choice: A Green Party
by George Branchflower
Drug users versus outreach workersin
combatting AIDS
by Robert Broadhead, Douglas Heckathorn, Jean-Paul Grund, Synn Stern & Denise Anthony
Drug users versus outreach workersin
combatting AIDS Part II
by Robert Broadhead
Double Deviant, women using alcohol and other drugs
by Dorothy Broom & Adele Stevens
Social and Political Sources of
Drug Effects:
The Case of bad Trips on Psychedelics
by Richard Bunce
AIDS-related interventions among drug users in the
by Ernst Buning
AIDS prevention among drug users
innovative approaches can prove useful
by Ernst Buning
Harm Reduction in mainstream thinking
by Ernst Buning
15 years of Harm Reduction: a reflection
by Ernst Buning
Outreach work with drug users: an overview
by Ernst Buning
Methadone in Europe
by Ernst Buning
Breaking the circle
the drug-free wing challenge
by Robin Burgess
injecting drug users living with HIV/AIDS
by Dave Burrows
Supporting GPs to care for drug users
by Judith K Bury
Liberalize rather than Punish
by Francis Caballero
New situations need new thinking
by Mike Cadger and Colin Sime
Women drug users and the criminal justice
by Alasdair Cant
The role of the police in tackling drugs
by Alan Castree
The rise and fall of NORML
by Russell Castro
Setting goals for drug policy:
harm reduction or use reduction?
by Jonathan P. Caulkins & Peter Reuter
Colombia and the Traffic of
Illicit Drugs:
by Carlos Enrique Cavelier
ASIA. The state of emergency
by Isabelle C�l�rier
Life at the Outpost
by Isabelle C�l�rier
Could do better
government policy on young people and drugs 1985 – 1994
by Colin Chapman
Drugs and Crime in Prisons
by Debroah Cheney
Sub-Saharan Africa
New customs, new practices
by Kemal Cherabi
Changes of
consciousness and the risk of sexual contamination
by Kemal Cherabi
Drug policy and harm reduction in Hong Kong
A socio-historical examination
Yuet W Cheung & James MN Ch’ien
Harm Reduction
Outreach with Syringe Exchange
Guidelines and Operating Procedures
The Chicago Recovery Alliance
Harm Reduction
Outreach with Syringe Exchange
Volunteer Management Guide
The Chicago Recovery Alliance
Meeting the needs of black drug users
by Ruth Chigwada-Bailey
The Drug War
by Noam Chomsky
How Free is the Free Market
by Noam Chomsky
Fellow travellers: the narcotraffic
and AIDS
by Pierre-Arnaud Chouvy
The human toxicity of marijuana: a critique of a review
by Nahas and Latour,
by Mcdonals J. Christie & Gregory B. Chesher
Reflections on Drugs
by Neils Christie
up the Pros and Cons of Legalisation
by Andrew Clark
Women crack users – a cathartic approach
by Louise Clarke
Opiates, cocaine and alcohol combinations in
accidental drug overdose deaths in New York City, 1990-98
by Phillip Coffin, Sandro Galea, Jennifer Ahern, Andrew Leon, David Vlahov &
Kenneth Tardiff
The Dutch Approach to Drug Treatment and Education 2:
Drugs and AIDS prevention and education work with young people in the Netherlands
by Julian Cohen
Drug education: politics, propaganda and
by Julian Cohen
Re-thinking Drug Control Policy:
Historical Perspectives and Conceptual Tools
by Peter Cohen
Ideology, Research and Policy
by Peter Cohen & Pat O’Hare
Building upon the successes of Dutch drug policy
by Peter Cohen
US drug policy and
public health
by Maxie Collier & Anne Walker
Costs and Benefits
by D.J. Collins & H.M. Lapsley
Consenting adults?
probation policy and drug control
by Mike Collison
Drug War Peace Treaty (first draft)
Family Council on Drug Awareness
by Chris Conrad annd Mikki Norris
Analysis of 2 January Windsor, Ontario Court Ruling
by John Conroy
Aircrew alcohol and drug policies: A survey
of commercial airlines
by Christopher CH Cook
Dangerous drug adulteration
an international survey of drug dealers using the Internet and the World Wide Web
by Ros Coomber
How often does the adulteration/dilution of
heroin actually occur?
An analysis of 228 ’street‘ heroin samples across the UK 1995-96 and the discussion of
monitoring policy
by Ros Coomber
From prevention to care
a new approach to drug use
Anne Coppel
The Outreach method
the difficult art of reaching the very fringes of society
Anne Coppel
How the Narcs Created Crack
by Richard Cowan
Cannabis a special case?
by Richard Cowan
The girls’ night out: drinking, safety and pubs
by Charlotte de Crespigny
Talking drugs together
by Colin Cripps
Who knows where the drug users are?
by Gavin Daker-White
Drug Policies and Drugspeak
by Ann Dally
Befriending Friends
by Phyll Dance
Drug Policies in Europe
by Hedy D’Ancona
The specifities of female drug addiction
by S�verine David
Has Germany decriminalised cannabis?
by Owen Davies
Thirty years of substitution therapy: an assessment
by Jean-Jacques D�glon
the validity of randomized field experiments
An example from drug abuse treatment research
by Michael L. Dennis
Harm Reduction-A Framework for Incorporating Science
into Drug Policy
Strategies That editorial American Journal of Public Health
by Don Des Jarlais
The concept of
self-medication in the addictions:
Implications for a model of clinical management within a secondary care service
by Gianni Dianin
Current Trends on the Works of the European Parliament
with Regard to Narcotic Drugs
by J.L. Diez-Ripolles
Sex, drugs and just say no: a
media perspective
by Paul Dillon, Linda Goldpink-Lord and Nicholas Parkhill
10 years of ecstasy and other party drug use in
What have we done and what is there left to do?
by Paul Dillon
Perceptions of Drug
Control Policies
a comparison of Scotland and Holland in the 1980’s
by Jason Ditton and Sally Haw
Rescheduling Marijuana
Issues related to pending DEA ruling
by Rick Doblin
HIV & AIDS, intravenous drug use in New South Wales,
by Kate Dolan
Prisons and AIDS
a review of VIIth International Conference on AIDS
by Kate Dolan
AIDS, Drugs and Risk Behaviour in Prison:
State of the Art
by Kate Dolan
consumption facilities in Europe and the establishment of supervised injecting
centres in Australia
by Kate Dolan, Jo Kimber, Craig Fry, John Fitzgerald, David McDonald & Franz
On the Evaluation of Treatments for Narcotic Addiction
by Vincent P. Dole & Burton Singer
A Club-Based Peer Education & Outreach Programme
by Mark Dooris and Maggie Plum
and Community Based Opioid Substitution Among Opioid Dependent Populations in
the Indian Sub-Continent
by Jimmy Dorabjee
Drug Research and Policy in Britain
by Nicholas Dorne & Nigel South
European free movement, drug users and
access to health services
by Nicholas Dorne & Simone White
Preventing AIDS at $1 A Head
by Ernest Drucker
Drug Prohibition and Public Health: 25
Years of Evidence
first published in „Public Health
Reports“, the Journal of the U.S. Public Health Service 1999
by Ernest Drucker
NEW YORK, Through the Eye of the Needle
Notes from THE DRUG WARS
by Ernest Drucker
Local Heroes
Notes from THE DRUG WARS
by Ernest Drucker
The Trial of Jon Parker
Notes from THE DRUG WARS
by Ernest Drucker
Children of War, the criminalization of motherhood
Notes from THE DRUG WARS
by Ernest Drucker
Though the Eye of the Needle II
Notes from THE DRUG WARS
by Ernest Drucker
On the European Front
Notes from THE DRUG WARS
by Ernest Drucker
The criminalization of motherhood II, when philosophers
are drug czars
Notes from THE DRUG WARS
by Ernest Drucker
In a dark season, one million points of light (through
the eye of the needle III)
Notes from THE DRUG WARS
by Ernest Drucker
The real gulf and the phoney war
Notes from THE DRUG WARS
by Ernest Drucker
Drug Policy and Human Rights
Notes from THE DRUG WARS
by Ernest Drucker
AIDS in America, the 2nd decade
Notes from THE DRUG WARS
by Ernest Drucker
From Morphine to Methadone: Maintenance Drugs in the
Treatment of Opiate Addiction
by Ernest Drucker
Harm reduction in the home of the war on drugs: methadone and needle exchange in
the USA
by Ernest Drucker & Allan Clear
The quiet revolution
by Alisa Duncan
Drugs Information for Holiday Clubbers
by Juliet Earp
Why should drug users
by Andria Efthimiou-Mordaunt
The use of
plants and other natural products for malevolent practices among the Aztecs and
their successors
by Jan Elferink, Jose Antonio Flores & Charles Kaplan
The effectiveness and limitations of syringe exchange
programmes throughout the world
Julien Emmanuelli
Policy Alcohol and Other Drugs
by Patricia G. Erickson
Reducing the harm of adolescent substance use
by Patricia G. Erickson
Illicit Drug Use, Peer Attitudes, and Perceptions of
Harmful Effects
among Convicted Cannabis Offenders
by Patricia G. Erickson
Living With Prohibition:
Regular Cannabis Users, Legal Sanctions and Informal Controls
by Patricia G. Erickson
The undeterred cocaine user:
intention to quit and its relationship to perceived legal and health threats
by Patricia G. Erickson and Glenn F. Murray
Drug crime and legal control:
lessons from the Canadian experience
by Patricia G. Erickson and Yuet W. Cheung
Recent Trends in Canadian Drug Policy:
The decline and resurgence of prohibitionism
by Patricia G. Erickson
Canadian Cannabis Policy:
The impact of criminalization, the current reality and future policy options
by Patricia G. Erickson and Benedikt Fischer
The view from New York
by Jason Farrell
Routine actvities and drug trafficking:
the case of the Netherlands
by Graham Farrell
Methadone provision in the European Union
by Michael Farrell, Jan Neeleman, Michael Gossop, Paul Griffiths, Ernst Buning, Emily
Finch and John Strang
Methadone country report
by Michael Farrell et al
South Africa
what connection between drug addiction and AIDS
by Veronique Faure
Methadone provision in the UK
by Michael Farrell, Louise Sell, Jan Neeleman, Michael Gossop, Paul Griffiths, Ernst
Buning, Emily Finch and John Strang
Poverty and
by John Fernandez
‚Maps‘ and ‚moves‘
by Benedikt Fischer
The new Canadian Drug Law
by Benedikt Fischer, Patricia G Erickson & Reginald Smart
MDMA and harm. should Ecstasy be kept on a restricted
by John Fitzgerald
Is the Prescription of Amphetamine Justified as a Harm
Reduction Measure?
by Philip M Fleming
Drug services in the USSR
will perestroika produce changes in Russian drug treatment?
by Philip M Fleming, Mike Poling & Annie Feltham
Prescribing policy in the UK
by Philip M Fleming
Is the policy of encouraging general
practitioners to prescribe opiates flawed?
by Philip Fleming & Judy Morey
Drugs in prison
by Nick Flynn
Using Harm
Reduction Policies within Drug Law Enforcement in the NSW Police Service,
by Suzie Forell & Lory Price
Ecstasy and illegal drug design
by Alasdair Forsyth
Are Raves Drug Supermarkets?
by Alasdair Forsyth
Drug Policy Before and After the Regime Change
a study of criminal proceedings in Budapest between 1990 and 1992
by Judit Fridli, Andrea Pelle, J�zsef R�cz
Therapeutic ethics and
communities at risk in the presence of potential mutation
to resistant strains to HIV antiviral medications
by Samuel Friedman,
Mark A. Wainberg and Ernest Drucker
Going beyong education to mobilising sub-cultural change
by Samuel Friedman
by Samuel Friedman
The Drug War As A Socialist Enterprise
by Milton Frieman
What is addiction and what kind of addictions do we know?
by Erik Fromberg
Cocaine and pregnancy, hype or science? A review of the
by Erik Fromberg
The case of the Netherlands, Contradictions and values.
by Erik Fromberg
The ideologies behind harm reduction.
by Erik Fromberg
Is there a rational for differentiating drugs by harm
by Erik Fromberg
Drugpolicy and human rights
by Erik Fromberg
A Harm-Reduction Educational Strategy Towards Ecstasy
(MDMA) 1990
by Erik Fromberg
SOULS? 1994
by Erik Fromberg
by Erik Fromberg
by Erik Fromberg
Ban on Drugs or Health Care
the dilemma of a repressive drug policy
by Monika Frommel
Listen To Be Heard
by Rose-Ann Furmann
Harm Reduction and Alcohol
by Henk Garretsen & Ien van de Goor
No to legalisation, yes to controlled
by Henk Garretsen, R Geurs, V.M Hendriks and F. Sturmans
Moving beyond the drugs and deviance
Rave dancing as a health promoting alternative to conventional physical
by Scott Gaule
Brain, Drugs, and Society
by Michael S. Gazzaniga
Methadone screws you up
by Michael George
The role of personal rules and
eccepted beliefs in the self-regulation of drug taking
by Michael George
Acceptance and Abstinence?
by Ralf Gerlach & Wolfgang Schneider
Goldstein et al. on Drug Use
by John Gettman
‚Smack in the eye‘, ‚Peanut Pete‘ and the
New Puritans
by Mark Gilman
Football and drugs: two cultures clash
by Mark Gilman
Testimony before
the US Criminal Justice, Drug Policy and Human Resources Subcommittee
of the House Government Reform Committee
by Ira Glasser (ACLU)
The Swedish Narcotics
Control Private Model – A critical assessment
by Ted Goldberg
Papering over the cracks
by Mike Goodman
Follow the Head… Not the Heart
Sir John Gordon & Pat O’Hare
Drugs, Race, and the „Dangerous Classes“:
Policy Politics in American Drug Prohibition
by Diana R. Gordon
Drug Issues and the Swedish Press
by Arthur Gould
Drugs, Freedom and Harm
by Gordon Graham
„Double Jeopardy“
Forfeiture Endangers American Rights
by FEAR President Brenda Grantland
Rules and Procedures
by Brenda Grantland
Shared care with general practitioners for
Edinburgh’s drug users
by Judy Greenwood
Formal Testimony Before the Crime Subcommittee,
Judiciary Committee, U.S. House of Representatives October
1, 1997
by Lester Grinspoon
A brief account of my participation as a witness in the
trial of Kerry Wiley
by Lester Grinspoon
Distributing heroin to addicts is pointless
by Jean Paul Grund
Race and the
„Drug Problem“ More than just an enforcement issue
by Philip Guy
The role of cognitive errors in the drug
policy debate
by David Hadorn
Marijuana Myths
by Paul Hager, chair ICLU Drug Task Force
A new approach to prescribing
the structured methadone programme in action
by Stuart Hall
Ecstasy Use and Sexual Behavior in the
South Texas Club Scene:
A Study of Mexican American Ecstasy
by Jeffrey A. Halley, Avelardo Valdez, and
Charles D. Kaplan
The decline of crack use in New York City
drug policy or natural controls?
by Ansley Hamid
Drug Control, legal alternatives and consequences
by M. Hamilton & J. Rolfe
The Menace of the war on Crack in Britain
by Richard Hammersley
Changes in drug use among Cardiff club goers:
emergence of heroin use.
by Carol Handy & Richard Pates
Do prisons need special health policies and
by Timothy W. Harding
Harm Reduction at Free Parties: A new perspective for
drug user movements
by Sarah de Haro & Fabrice Olivet
Trends and patterns of illicit drug use in
the USA
by Lana Harrison
Why politicians won’t legalise drugs
by Nicholas Hartman
Going the whole way? Heroin maintenance and
AIDS prevention
by Richard Hartnoll
by Czech president Havel
The theory and reality of partnership
by Paul Hayes
Evaluating a needle exchange programme
models for testing HIV-I risk reduction
by Robert Heimer, Kaveh Khoshnood, P. Clay Stephens, Bini Jariwala freeman & Edward
Drug users and the GP
by Tom Heller
Fun, frisson & fashion
by Sheila Henderson
Is there a politics of anti-prohibitionism
by Anthony Henman
Drug use and pregnancy
by Mary Hepburn
by C. Peter
Herman & Lynn T.
The Other Prohibition
The cigarette crisis in post war Germany
by Henner Hess
After the First Year, New York City’s Needle Exchange
Pilot Programme
by Cherri Hillman
Mardi Gras season in Sydney
by Happy Ho & Karyn O’Reilly
Club staff training
by Rik Hodgson & Jane McColl
The first outreach needle exchange program in Hungary
by Judit Honti & Peter Ban
Drug Policies in Israel – From Utopia to
by Menacham Horovitz
Body Rights
The First International Conference on the Reduction of
Drug-Related Harm
Benefits of
Heroin Chasing Campaign as a Harm Reduction Tool
by Tersea Jankowska, Matthew Southwell & William Picornie
Response to Studies of MDMA (‘ecstasy’) neurotoxicity in animals:
Implications for humans by George Ricaurte
by Karl Jansen
Ketamine and the
by Karl Jansen
Normalization of the Drugs Problem:
an Outline of the Dutch Drugs Policy
by Otto Janssen
Drug users on shaky self support
by Marie Jauffret
Crime & Drugs Strategy Unit. Jersey
Collaborative problem
solving in AIDS prevention
Hawaii’s needle exchange programme
by Karen A. Joe and Dolores Foley
with Mario Lap
Collage, the International Youth Magazine
by Patricia Johnson
Nightlife and drugs:
A coherent approach to the
prevention of recreational drug use
by Anco de Jong
Effectiveness and Trends
by Elizabeth Joyce
Taking drugs to
schools, drug education and the green paper
by Ruth Joyce
Responding to AIDS
and drug use in prisons in Canada
by Ralf J�rgens & Diane Riley
Do trends in criminal statistics reflect changing
attitudes in the English criminal justice system towards drug offences
by Hendrien Kaal
Knowledge as
an emotional and intellectual realization of the unconscious
by Zephyros Kafkalides
The ‚Boule de Neige‘ Project
by Charles Kaplan
by John Kaplan
HIV prevention among drug users
specialist or non specialist provision
by Jan Keene, Gerry Stimson & Nina Parry-Langdon
High-risk groups and prison
by Jan Keene
The open drug scene and the
safe injection room offers in Frankfurt am Main 1995
by Uwe E. Kemmesies
Compulsive drug users in the Netherlands and
The open drug scenes in Amsterdam and Frankfurt am Main
by Uwe E. Kemmesies
Between a
rock and a hard place
a practical strategy for crack/cocaine users
by Dawn Kennedy & Matthew Southwell
A quick response
by Chlo� Keraghel
Harm reduction and public transport
by Rien Klaassen and Jeannette Verveen
Innovative AIDS prevention among
drug-using prostitutes
by Carmen Kleinegris
The risk of HIV transmission
from sharing water, drug-mixing containers and cotton filters among intravenous drug users
by Stephen Koester, Robert Booth & Wayne Wiebel
The chemical generation and its ancestors
Dance crazes and drug panics across eight decades
by Marek Kohn
Cannabis retail markets in Amsterdam
by Dirk Korf
Anabolic steroid use in Britain
by Pirkko Korkia
Monitoring and health:
A national policy framework to
reduce substance use related health risks
by Marcel de Kort
A policy to be consolidated
by Bernard Kouchner
Drug workers and the drug misuse database
by Tim Krabbe
How flexible are UN drug conventions?
by Krzysztof Krajewski
by John C. Kramer
Check Your Pills. Check Your Life. ChEck iT!!
High quality on-site testing of illicit substances.
Information, counselling and safer use measures at raves in Austria.
by Harald Kriener & Rainer Schmid
Drugs, probation and court orders
by Danny Kushlick
The Cost of
Inaction on HIV Transmission among Injection Drug Users and the Potential for
Effective Interventions
by Laura M. Kuyper, Robert S. Hogg, Julio S.G. Montaner, Martin T. Schechter &
Evan Wood
The French Connection
drugs in all their conditions
by Bertran LaGendre
Injecting Drug Users in Vietnam
The Dynamics of AIDS Risks and Sexual Relationships
by Nguyen Tran Lam
and Pieter Streefland
Nguyen Tran Lam
Deglamorising Cannabis
Lancet Editorial November 1995
Deglamorising Cannabis II
Lancet (follow up) Editorial November 1998
The Case for Regulated Production
Paper for 1995 International Harm Reduction Conference on Cannabis in Europe and
particularly The Netherlands
by Mario Lap
About Netherweed and Coffeeshops.
An Essay on Cannabis in Dutch Society now and in the future as published in
De-Americanizing Drug Policy
by Mario Lap
Draft Cannabis Law
As submitted to Dutch parliament in 1993 by „Green“ environmental party and of
which a Belgian version was filed recently in Belgian parliament.
by Mario Lap
Response to the INCB
Response to the 1992 and 1993 reports of the International Narcotics Control Board
by Mario Lap and Freek Polak
Recent changes in the Dutch
cannabis trade: the case for regulated production
by Mario Lap and Ernest Drucker
by Mario Lap
Drug prohibition from a human
rights perspective
by Mario Lap
Cannabis, commerce and controls
by Mario Lap
British medical perception from
Rolleston to Brain
Changing images of the addict and addiction
by Rachel Lart
HIV and
Longevity: Cannabis and Lifestyle
by Carol de Launey
In Defence of Heroin Maintenance
A User’s Perspective
by Maureen Laverty
For a reasonable drug policy
by Judith Laws
Europe, Harm Reduction and the cocaine challenge
by Bertrand Lebeau
Drug-addicted parents and their
by Frans Leenders
Do projects against ‚drug-related
nuisance‘ undermine harm reduction?
by Frans Leenders
Mobilising public support for
providing needles to drug injectors. A pilot advocacy intervention
by Simon Lenton
Drug commissions, the next
generation: „to boldly go….‘
by Harry G. Levine
From Prohibition to
Lessons from Alcohol Policy for Drug Policy
by Harry G. Levine and Craig Reinerman
The Drug Policy Debate in the
Virtual Classroom
by David C. Lewis & Janine A. Treves
by Sven Ake Lindgren
by Gabrielle Lipiay
Opiate use & abuse in Austria
by Norbert Loimer
Decriminalization of Drug Use in Portugal:
The Development of a Policy
by Mirjam van het Loo, Ineke van Beusekom, and James P.
Kahan (RAND Europe)
Western Australian initiatives to prevent the
spread of HIV/AIDS among injecting drug users
by Wendy Loxley, Alison Marsh, Paula Watt, Georgine Westlund, Charles Watson &
Michelle Kosky
The healthcare
implications of clubbing
by Chris Luke, C. Dewar, M. Bailey, D. McGreevy,
H. Morris
An opportunity
lost: HIV infections associated with lack of a national needle-exchange
programme in the USA
by Peter Lurie and Ernest Drucker
Cannabis Use and
Cognitive Decline in Persons Under 65 Years of Age
by Constantine G. Lyketsos, Elizabeth Garrett, Kung-Yee Liang, and James C.
First Aid on Raves
by Nicole Maalst�
by Robert J. MacCoun
Psychological and social
sequelae of cannabis and other illicit drug use by
young people: a systematic review of longitudinal, general population studies
by John Macleod, Rachel Oakes,Alex
Copello, liana Crome,
Matthias Egger, Mathew Hickman, Thomas Oppenkowski,
Helen Stokes-Lampard, George
Davey Smith
Daime, an example of ritually controlled use of psychoactive substances
by Edward MacRae
Queer Practices for Harm Reduction
Inviting Lesbians, Gays and Takatapui to be part of alcohol and drug harm
by Sharon Madgeskind & David Semp
Methodological challenges in studies of
prisoners‘ sexual activity and drug use
by Nancy Mahon
The development of the Dutch treatment approach
by Bart Majoor
Helping the Helpers
by Bart Majoor
The Art of Accepting
by Bart Majoor
The times they are a‘ changing?
by Andy Malinowski
by Deborah Maloff , Howard S.
Becker, Arlene Fonaroff and Judith Rodin
Putting prohibition on trial
by Benjamin Mancroft
An archaelogy of drug laws
by Desmond Manderson
Drug Policy in Belgium
by Christophe Marchand
Defending An Effective Control on National and International Drug
Challenging the International Drug Conventions
by Christophe Marchand
Dutch weed and logistics. Part 1
inconsistencies in the Dutch government’s memorandum on drugs policy
by C.W. Maris
Dutch weed and logistics. Part 2
the logic of the harm principle
by C.W. Maris
Extradition, US drug policy and the erosion of individual
by Howard Marks
The Supply of Legal Cannabis
by Howard Marks
The therapeutic apllication of LSD and related drugs
by Master & Houston (introduction by Peter Webster)
Prostitution in Europe
by Lilian Mathieu
detoxification programmes effective?
by Richard Mattick & Wayne Hall
Social context of risk behaviours at parties
by Andrew Mattison
Minimising harm in research
by Fiona McDermott & Priscilla Pyet
Will drug users respond to the challenge
by Peter McDermott
Taking part, taking power
by Greg McFarlane
The relevance of illegal drug market analysis to
substance misuse trends in club culture;
Evidence from South Yorkshire, UK
by Alan McGauley
Paradigms and practice
changes in drug service since the central funding initiative
by Suzanne McGregor, Betsy Ettorre, Adam Crozier & Ross Coomber
The case for the decriminalisation of drugs
by William McKelvey
Psychopathology in Drug
Dependent Individuals:
A Clinical Review
by Gerald J.
Drug Dependence, a Chronic Medical Illness
Implications for Treatment, Insurance and Outcomes Evaluation
by Thomas McLellan, David C. Lewis,
Charles P.
O’Brien, Herbert D. Kleber
Office-Based Methadone Prescribing:
Acceptance by Inner-City Practitioners in New York
by Jennifer McNeely, Ernest Drucker, Diana Hartel & Ellen Tuchman
An Open Letter to the Entertainment Industry
by Peter McWilliams
The Dutch Approach to Drug Treatment and Education 1:
Care and Cure
by Alan Matthews
Drug user rights: Learning from black drug users
by Cynthia Matthews
as a „Holy
Is the
use of peyote
constitutionally distinguishable
from that of marijuana
in bona
fide religious ceremonies?
by Cynthia Mazur
Dancing on drugs:
Results from the
first large-scale academic survey of the health of clubbers in Britain
by Fiona Measham & Judith Aldridge
Sport for all! But is it suitable for
by Paul Melia
HIV Infection amongst Drug Injectors in England
Regional comparisons drawn from official statistics
by Mersey Regional Health Authority
by Fabio Mesquita
Study on the legal aspects of
substitution treatment for opioid dependent drug users
an insight into nine European countries
Karolien Meuwissen
The disease called
addiction: emerging evidence in a 200-year debate
Roger Meyer
XTC (Ecstacy) study in Luxemburg:
A community approach
in research and its implications
by Th�r�se
The Prevention of Infectious Diseases in Prison
by Ingo Ilja Michels & Heino St�ver
Professor Nahas‘ Crusade
or the Art of Disinformation
by Michka
Paul was the Walrus
Paul McCartney on Cannabis, the Soma Advertisement and the Wootton Report
Extract from Chapter Nine – The Walrus Was Paul Of Paul
McCartney’s authorised biography Many Years from Now
by Barry Miles
The medical prescription of
anabolic steroids
by Anthony Millar
Drug policy in Geneva
by Annie Mino
The liberal image of the Dutch drug policy
Amsterdam is singing a different tune
by Ren� Mol & Franz Trautmann
Youth drug use and the prevention of
why we’ve got it all wrong
by David Moore & Bill Saunders
supplies of
drugs to
illicit markets
by Mark Moore
Hepatitis C The
challenges of prevention
by Timothy Moore
Poisons and Prohibitions:
The Persistance of Folly
by John P. Morgan
One strike and you are out
making sense of exclusions
by Gill Morris
Policies unfit for heroin
a critique of Dorn & South
by Stephen Mugford & Pat O’Malley
Message in a toilet
by Stephen Mugford
Ending the prohibition on education
by Geoff Munro
AIDS and drug addiction a delicate subject
by Sandrine Musso
Cocaine and Marijuana in American History
by David Musto
Thinking Seriously about Alternatives to Drug Prohibition
by Ethan A Nadelmann
Legalisation or Harm Reduction: the debate
by Ethan A Nadelmann
Challenging the global prohibition regime
by Ethan A Nadelmann
Europe’s Drug Prescription
by Ethan A Nadelmann
Toward a Sane National Drug
by Ethan A Nadelmann and Jann S. Wenner
The Impact of the Drugs Trade and Drugs Control in the Caquet�
Region, Colombia
by Leonel Narv�ez G�mez
Laing on Ecstasy
by Peter Nasmyth
The War on Drugs is lost
�1996 National Review with contributions by
William Buckley,
Ethan Nadelmann,
Sweet, Kurt Smoke,
Joseph McNamara,
Duke and Thomas Szasz
by Chawalit
Methadone country report
by Jan Neeleman
Provision of syringes and
prescription of heroin in prison
by Joachim Nelles, Sandra Bernasconi, Anja Dobler-Mikola & Beat Kaufmann
The theory and practice of
drug-related crime
by Russell Newcombe
A model for comparing the mortality risks of ecstasy use, dance parties and
related activities
by Russell Newcombe & Sally Woods
A Model and Method for Exploring the Subjective Effects of Psychoactive Drugs
by Russell Newcombe & Michelle Johnson
by John Newmeyer & Gregory Johnson
The drug information and monitoring service (DIMS) in
the Netherlands:
A unique tool for monitoring party drugs
by Raymond Niesink, Gerard Nikken, Frans Jansen, Inge
Drug checking in The Netherlands:
The Drugs Information
and Monitoring System
by Raymond Niesink
Black Drug Workers‘ Reality
by Geraldine Nolan
Prevention programmes for adoloscents in
the USA
by Elaine Norman & Sandra Turner
Addiction: brain
mechanisms and their treatment implications
by David Nutt
Myths about the treatment
of addiction
Charles O’Brien & Thomas McLellan
HIV-positive intavenous drug users: their
impact on social systems
by Steven O’Connor
Drug Services and legal boundaries
by Ciaran O’Hagan
dance culture: Sub-genres and associated drug use
by Ciaran O’Hagan
Redefining the Drug War
from criminal justice to public health
by Pat O’Hare
… unclassified and otherwise
By Pat O’Hare
Mandatory Madness
By Pat O’Hare
a True Word Said in jest
By Pat O’Hare
Swedish Issue
By Pat O’Hare
Demand reduction activities in the European Union
by Deborah Olszewski & Gregor Burkhart
Governing at a distance
by Pat O’Malley
The demand
for intoxicating commodities: Implications for the „War on Drugs“
by Pat O’Malley & Stephen Mugford
The law and demand reduction. Have we got it right. ?
by Ron Owens, Executive Director, Australian Drug Law Reform Foundation and member of our
Drug Law Reform in Australia
by Ron Owens
Organizing Drug Law Reform in Australia
by Ron Owens
The role of drug law reform in Australia
by Ron Owens
The hidden health burden
alcohol-abusing women, misunderstood and mistreated
by Anshu Padayachee\
Death on the dancefloor
by Simon Page
Pregnancy policing: Policy of harm
by Denise Paone & Julie Alperen
What should we look for in outreach workers?
by Richard Pates & Virginia Blakey
The effects of policy making on harm
reduction: whose problem?
by Richard Pates
Discrimination and AIDS prevention
by Mario Pecheny
What Works in Addiction Treatment and What Doesn’t
Is the Best Therapy No Therapy?
by Stanton Peele
and Alcoholism: Establishing the Link
by Stanton Peele
The results for drug reform goals of shifting from interdiction/punishment to treatment
by Stanton Peele
Anabolic steroids: What do GPs think?
by Huw Perry, A.H. Evans and BNC Littlepage
Twenty years later
by Peter Piot
AIDS, Drugs and Commercial Sex
by Martin Plant
International legal aspects of the use
of Ayahuasca
by Adele van der Plas
What Doctors can do,
the role of doctors in the debate on drug policy
by Freek Polak, psychiatrist, Municipal Health Service, Drug Department, Amsterdam
Prohibition of Hard Drugs is Harmful to Public Health
by Freek Polak,
The Medicalization of (Problematic) Intoxicant Use
and the Medical Provision of Psychoactive Drugs
By Freek Polak
The Situation of the Debate
on Drug Legalization in the Netherlands
By Freek Polak
A view on the board
by Freek Polak and Mario Lap
Shortcomings of medically
controlled heroin prescription
by Freek Polak
by Freek Polak
Queer times – Quare drugs
by Mick Quinlan
Gold, drugs and AIDS
Madina Querre
Harm Reduction in Asia
by Sujata Rana
Why prescribe? the phylosophy behind good
by Anne Read
Fear of Drugs
by Erik van Ree
The Construction of America’s Crack Crisis
by Craig Reinerman and Harry G. Levine
A Peace Movement has emerged against the War on Drugs
by Craig Reinerman and Harry G. Levine
Drugs in the media
the case of the eight-year old addict and the purloined pulitzer prize
by Craig Reinerman & Ceres Duskin
Glasnost in US drug policy? Clinton
by Craig Reinerman
The drug policy debate in Europe
The case of Califano versus the Netherlands
by Craig Reinerman
Impaired delayed memory function in
individuals who stopped using MDMA („Ecstasy“)
by L. Reneman, B. Schmand, K de
Bruin, W vd Brink, WB Gunning
Correlates of
occasional cigarette and marijuana use: are teens harm reducing?
by Ken Resnicow, Matt Smith, Lana Harrison and Ernest Drucker
Regulating the Swiss cannabis market
by Francois Reusser
Low threshold programmes
by J�r�me Reynaud
Studies of MDMA (‘ecstasy’) neurotoxicity in animals:
Implications for humans
by George Ricaurte
Drug policy in the USSR
life inside the narco-archipelago
by Victor Rezunkov & Ivan Denisov
Innovation of constraint
The management of an HIV outreach intervention
by Tim Rhodes, Janet Holland & Richard Hartnoll
Where is the sex in harm reduction
by Tim Rhodes and Alan Quirck
spread and high prevalence of HIV infection among injecting drug users in
Togliatti City, Russia
by Tim Rhodes, catherine Lowndes, Ali Judd, Larissa Mikhailova, Anya Sarang,
Andrey Rylkov, Mikhail Tichonov, kim Lewis, Nina Ulyanova, Tatiana Alpatova,
Victor Karavashkin, Mikhail khutorskoy, Matthew Hickman, John Parry & Adrian
Drug testing in prisons
by Diane Riley
Canada’s New Drug Law
some implications for HIV/AIDS prevention in Canada
by Diane Riley & Eugene Oscapella
The Natural History of Substance Use as a Guide to
Setting Drug Policy
editorial American Journal of Public Health
by Lee Robbins
Legalization versus Prohibition
by Jean-Luc Robert
What use is European drug prevention week?
by Jean-Luc Robert
Investigating HIV-AIDS and Social Care
by David Robinson, Alan Maynard & Gilbert Smith
My time behind bars
an inmate’s view of drugs in prisons
by Nick Rochford
Drugs, and Drug Education, a Harm Reduction Approach
by Marsha Rosenbaum
Evaluating world drug policies
by Carla Rossi
The neglected drug users in European prisons
by Michel Rotily and Caren Weilandt
Struggling to end
stigmatisation in San Fransisco
by Gregory Rowe
Brixton, London: a drug culture without a
drug economy?
by Vicenzo Ruggeiro
Organised crime and drug economies
by Vicenzo Ruggeiro
The addicted offender
by Judith Rumgay
International law tackles harm reduction
by Brice de Ruyver
Drug users and the white paper
by Anni Ryan
by Dr.
Salam Irene
by Deborah Sangster
What have drug users got to do with
you anyway?
Anya Sarang
Disrupting the nightclub drugs market
by John Sayers
Thinking about drinking: the
power of self-fulfilling prophecies
by Jeffrey A. Schaler
Political ideologies and drug policy
by Sebastian Scheerer
by Viev Schipper
An encouraging example
& Educating equals
Anne-Lise Schmitt
Drug policy USA: time for a change
by Kurt L. Schmoke
Views from the Dance floor
by Rudiger Schmolke & Frederik Luhmer
Swedish Drug Policy in a different light
„The Paragon in a different light“
by Reto Scholl MD, Erlinsbach, Chief of Aarau Hospital
Translated from Drogenmagazine NR 1 Feb. 1995 , for Drugtext Foundation and the Lindesmith
Presumed Guilty
The Law’s Victims in the War on Drugs
by Andrew Schneider & Mary Pat Flaherty
The Pittsburgh Press
Investigation into
the Effectiveness of Filters for use by Intravenous Drug Users
by Jennifer Scott, Christine Bond, Emily Kennedy & Arthur Winfield
Benzodiazepines in the illicit drug scene
The UK picture and some treatment dilemmas
by Nicxholas Seivenwright, Michael Donmall & Christopher Daly
Dance culture and tourism – the healthy option?
by Alethea Sellars
The Liverpool model
a population-based approach to harm reduction
by Howard Seymour & Gail Eaton
E is for
evidence – The health effects of ecstasy
by Emanuel Sferios
by Pat Shannon
A future market for anabolic steroids?
by Harry Shapiro
Peering over the parapet
a discussion of a local policy for treatment with injectable methadone
by Mike Shaw, Clare Brabbins & Sue Ruben
disparity in „crack“ cocaine sentencing
by Marcia Shein & Stephen Joseph
Illegal drug use in Glasgow
can local agencies offer a full range of treatment options?
by David Shewan
Drug service provision in Glasgow
by David Shewan
Keeping off, stepping on and stepping off:
the steppingstone theory reevaluated in the context of the Dutch cannabis experience
by Stephen J. Sifaneck
Harm reduction and alcohol
Eric Single
Explosion in the East
by Alexandre Smirnov
The War on Drugs
Editorial British Journal of Medicine
by Richard Smith
by Robert Solomon & Lisa Constantine
From The Summer Of Love To The Great Dance Drugs
by Matthew Southwell, Nicky Bath, Steve Dubois, Jane Byrne
and Jaye Foster
Up your Bum
A simple safer route of drug taking or a squirt too far
by Matthew Southwell
AIDS prevention with drug users supplanted by the
war on drugs
by Edith Springer
What’s an American doing in Rotterdam?
by Synn Stern
The Future of UK Syringe Exchange
by Gerry Stimson, Katie Dolan, Martin Donoghoe & Rachel Lart
The shape of things to come?
by Gerry Stimson
The diffusion of drug injecting in
developing countries
by Gerry V Stimson, Moruf Adelekan & Tim Rhodes
Towards the infinite beat
by Nora Stojanovic
by Peter Stoker
A Harm
Reduction Approach to Khat Chewing based on Development Work with the Somali
Communities in the UK
by Suleman Omar Ahmed
by Gary Sutton
Doing it for ourselves
by Gary Sutton
A Short History of the Conquest of the Crack Epidemic
by Jonathan Swift
of Narcotic Drugs in Public Injection Rooms
Public International Law
Institute for Comparative Law
The Fatal Temptation: Drug Prohibition and the Fear of
by Thomas Szasz
Hidden themes: dominant discourses to the
alcohol and other drug field
by M.J. Taleff & M Babcock
Towards the Dismantling of an Ideology
by Marco Taradash
Breaking the Monopolies in the War on Drugs
by Marco Taradash and Andrew Bennett
Why drug testing won’t work
by Chris Tchaikovsky
Peer education at the free clinic of
by Sven Todts
Introducing harm reduction concepts in drug
policy reform
by Donald M. Topping
One judge’s attempt at a
rational discussion of the so-called war on drugs
by Juan R. Torruella
Methadone in France: An overview of
harm-maximisation politics
by Abdalla Toufik
The Cannabis Row 1 – Mo And The
Drugs Tsar Both Tell The Truth. Others Don’t
by Polly Toynbee
Time for breakthrough
Polarisation and paralysis in global drug policy
by the Transnational Institute
Peer support – Dutch experiences with AIDS prevention by
drug users for drug users
by Franz Trautmann
by Franz Trautmann
by Franz Trautmann
The use of a confrontational approach in HIV prevention
by Franz Trautmann
Peer support
by Franz Trautmann
Norman Zinberg remembered
by Arnold Trebach
Drug users rights and the responsibility
of services
by Mary Treacy
Developing amphetamine-related strategies
within a harm-reduction framework
by Martin Turnbull
Fluctuations in calorific intake
following weekend use of MDMA
by John Turner
A Swiss national project
by A Uchtenhagen, A Dobler-Mikola & F Gutzwiller
Drug prevention outside and inside prison
by Ambros Uchtenhagen
Illegal Drug Use, Alcohol and Agressive Crime Among
Mexican-American and White Male Arrestees in San Antonio
by Avelardo Valdez
A view from a producer/trafficker country
by Ricardo Vargas
Harm reduction and the community
by Jacob Veale
Drugs, Crime and Community Safety
by Jacob Veale
Harm Minimisation: Old Wine in New Bottles
by Richard Velleman & Janet Rigby
Harm Reduction in Rome
by Annette Verster, Marina Davoli & Carlo Perucci
Substitution treatment with
methadone in Germany
politics, programmes and results
by Uwe Verthein, Jens Kalke & Peter Raschke
Drug and
AIDS in Thailand: Same Policies, Different Laws
How can they be reformed to obtain the most benefit?
by Annop Visudhimark
Backloading and HIV infection among
injection drug users
by David Vlahov
Drug legislation and drug policy in the Netherlands
by Jaap de Vlieger, Illicit Drugs Expert, Rotterdam-Rijnmond Regional Police
Drug Policy as a Management Strategy
by Henk-Jan van Vliet
The spoken word takes precedence
by Hennig Voscherau
Imprisoning the American Poor
By Loic Wacquant
by Dan Waldorf & Patrick Biernacki
Therapeutic application of marihuana
by Robert Walton
AIDS prevention strategies: An overview
by Fran�ois Wasserfallen, Dina Zeegers Paget & Pierre G. Bauer
Healthy Clubbing in a Health Promoting University:
does ‘good practice’ mean for educated door staff?
by Graham Watkinson and Bob Mills
Harm Reduction. Why do it?
changing a dysfunctional nightmare into a working alternative
by Marion Watson
Does abundant supply of drugs lead to heavy consumption?
by Pamela Watson
Pituri: An Australian Aboriginal drug
by Pamela Watson
Maintenance with Codeine in Germany. The supportive
by Urban Weber
Rethinking Drug Prohibition: Don’t look for U.S
Government leadership
by Peter Webster
Learning from History
by Peter Webster
by Peter Webster
HCV and IDUs: A
legacy for the millennium
by Paul Wells
Drug Policy changes in Europe and the United States
by L�on Wever, Head of Policy Affairs, Alcohol, Drugs and Tobacco Policy Division,
Ministry of Welfare, Health and Cultural Affairs,1991.
Drug Policies in Western Europe
by Superintendant Jan Wiarda
Health promotion, drugs and the moral high ground
by Christopher Wibberley and Sandy Whitelaw
Injecting drug users in Europe
Lucas Wiessing
Drug Abuse Research and Policy: A Dutch-American Debate
by Govert F. van de Wijngaart
Social Marketing for the millennium
by Jeffrey Wilkinson & Robert Galante
The psychological effects of anabolic
by Doug Williamson
Health risk perception and harm
results from the 1999 Mixmag Survey
by Adam Winstock & Paul Griffiths
Harm reduction or just a bitter pill to
by Adam Winstock & Louisa Vingoe
A Society of Suspects
The War on Drugs and Civil Liberties
by Steven Wisotsky
between low-threshold socio-medical care, methadone, AIDS and wound treatment in
addicted prostitutes
by Gust de Wit
AIDS prevention for gay
men on the club scene
by Andr� Witbreuk
Development on National Drug Policy in Australia
by Alex Wodak
The connection between HIV infection in injecting drug
users and drugs policy
by Alex Wodak
by Alex Wodak
Taming demons: the reduction of harm
resulting from use of illicit drugs
by Alex Wodak
Organisations of injecting drug users in
by Alex Wodak
The world illicit drug crisis: from
prohibition to reform
by Alex Wodak
Needle exchange and bleach distribution
programmes: the Australian experience
by Alex Wodak
Whistleblowing against the company: a case
of ethical violations at a Norwegian treatment centre
by Katherine van Wormer
The Failure of
Peer Support Groups in Women’s Prison in Western Australia
by Ruth Wykes
The Situation In Sweden
by John Yates
Sweden : A totalitarian threat to Europe
by John Yates
Swedish european drug policy collapses
by John Yates
High Time to Stop the War on Marijuana
by Alan Young
Change In the Czech Antidrug Policy?
by Tom�š Z�bransk�
Research Findings on Medicinal Properties of Marijuana
by Kevin Zeese
Action speaks louder than words
by Jelle Zeilstra
Measuring abstinence and harm minimisation
by Sue Ziebland & Angie Rogers
Exposing Marijuana Myths
A Review of the Scientific Evidence
by Lynn Zimmer and John Morgan
Drug testing in the USA
a policy for maximising harm
by Lynn Zimmer
American Inner-Cities and Drug Policing:
Strategies That Maximize Harm to Individuals and Communities
by Lynn Zimmer
Norman E.
Zinberg & Wayne M. Harding
Drugtext Articles (french)
construction politique du toxicomane dans l’Argentine post-autoritaire. Un cas de
citoyennet� � basse intentsit�
Guillermo R. Aureano
L’homme compulsif
Alain Ehrenberg
Christine GUILLAIN et Christophe MARCHAND
Promotion international de la
reduction de risques
Catherine Hankins
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